Saturday, November 11, 2006

Workin' on a Weekend!

Putting up your fingers in a non-rude gesture is compulsory on every photo taken in Japan....the silly face isn't, that's just a extra thrown in by me. This is me in school today, end of my day so i'm pretty happy. Today I taught a PhD student, a businessman, a company president, an advertising executive, and three 9 year old kids. Kids class was the best, lots of fun throwing footballs around, drawing houses and trying to get them to say refridgerator (you try saying it when you can't pronounce an 'r') could be worse though last week I had two 11 year olds trying to say 'travel around the world' !.

What info haven't I put on here yet?...hmmm....I'm taking Japanese lessons. Twice a week in fact, one with a volunteer programme which is pretty much free (bit of an admin fee at the start but thats about it) and another normal one which I pay about £12 an hour for. Both 1-to-1 and both for an hour a week. Slow progress but i'm starting to pick up the grammar and i've taught myself one of the alphabets used here (Hiragana for those in the know, just started Katakana and dreading tackling any Kanji!).

I'm also keeping up my kickboxing over here, which has forced me to learn how to count (up to ten at least!). Not sure if its more difficult here than at home, the three months off has destroyed my previous fitness levels, or its the lack of fruit and veg....but i'm always wrecked after going and aching for days afterwards! Will get a few picks of the gym soon.

Check out my hair in this pic...getting very long, need to learn essential Japanese phrases like 'just a trim', 'thin it out a little', and 'chop into it'. Have visions of me coming out with a skinhead or worse through a lack of communication.

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