Saturday, June 02, 2007


Long gap again, but you should be getting used to it by now. Busy as ever plus I've had a nasty cold for a while and just coming out of the other side of it. Also had my boss observe one of my lessons which is never a nice experience. Parents can watch their kids lessons in the next couple of weeks too which should be interesting!
This month I've spent a large amount of money. It was Akane's birthday, I watched Sumo, I got a new passport, and I bought a Nintendo D.S.
Akanes birthday - surprise party with 8-9 friends, I being the only 外人 (foreigner) was strangely given the task of taking her to the venue under false pretenses. Finding somewhere new in Tokyo is not an easy task even for Japanese people, asking me to do it with only a roughly drawn map and a name written in katakana is not the best plan of action. Consequently I told Akane I was taking her to a bar I'd seen in a magazine but this meant I had to look vague every time she asked what it looked like and 'is this it?' as I had no idea. Finally found it 'auru' apparently was 'owl'.
D.S. - nice little handheld games machine with a touchscreen for those who don't know. I've been drawing kanji on it, like 子、雨、犬、母、父、(child, rain, dog, mother, father) and getting marks out of 100. My writing has improved somewhat but my memory is still bad. In a vain attempt to improve this I got a 'brain training' game which does exactly what it says on the tin.
Sumo - Pretty interesting but far too short for my liking, each individual fight is about 3-4 seconds! Watched for about 4 hours and saw the big fellas grapple a bit then went and saw them in the town outside getting food from the local convenience store! Got my picture taken with one of them, not a famous fella though. More pics below and should get some others online too maybe a video as well.

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