Despite having learnt quite a bit of Japanese and getting into the habit of guessing what things are, I still make the occasional mistake. Today is a perfect example of what can happen.
Take the pictures on the left. A packet of what appears to be sausages. On the outside of the pack you can clearly see ソーセージ which is 'so-se-ji' in Katakana the alphabet used for foreign words - ie. its a sausage.
Case closed eh? I've used what little Japanese I know, there's a picture confirming the presence of sausage type structures made of what appears to be cheap processed meat so I'm safe buying these hotdog things right? WRONG!
You see that other bit above sausage is pretty important and I neglected to translate it. フィッシュ in Katakana again is fu-i-shi-yu.......or 'fish' to me and sausages!Needless to say I wasn't impressed when this morning I thought rather than cooking an omelette I'd have a nibble on a sausage for breakfast. Took half a carton of juice, a bar of chocolate and a coffee to take away the taste.
Sausages are meat....not fish....don't mess with traditional food forms.
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