Only one post in 2010! So I've equalled that already in 2011, things can only get better.
I spent 2010 as a political prisoner, hence the lack of posts. My blog had been viewed as a threat to the current order in Japan and so the powers that be placed me under house arrest and took away my computer. During the Christmas Party I was able to ply my guards with eggnog and mince pies. The daring escape that followed involved bicycles, balaclavas, bananas, and tabasco sauce....that was too unbelievable wasn't it? Nobody would use a balaclava. Sorry....it was all a lie. I was just lazy.
After 4 years in Japan, it gets a little difficult to maintain a blog that had mainly focused on 'new' and 'strange' experiences. I'm sure that a lot of things I see are still pretty strange, but I'm more accustomed to them.
I also fell into the Facebook trap. It's much easier to send a single photo there than to write a blog post. After watching 'Social Network' and the extent to which Zuckerburg is portrayed as socially incompetent (the part of me that's jealous of the multi-billion earning youngster was very pleased that he has massive faults) I'm going to try and limit that a bit more. Obviously Facebook is one of the easiest ways to keep up with friends overseas, but it doesn't lend itself to rambling writing. And let's be honest, who doesn't like to rant or ramble every now and then.
Perhaps a new direction is called for. Instead of waiting for something 'blog worthy' to happen I'll stop trying to determine what I should put on here and just try to write more regularly. If it's interesting people will read, if not then it'll be a record of my descent into madness.
Soooooooo.....9 months. Pretty difficult to remember what I was doing, so in brief....
- Dropped down to one job with massive amounts of holidays.
- Finished most of the teaching course, but dragging the remaining parts out.
- Moved to a nice big apartment.