Gundam Salutes your patience Hisashiburi ni blog oh kaite desu ne?
Or, It's been a long time since i wrote my blog hasn't it?
4 Month break and nothing groundbreaking to tell you about in that period. I'm sure i've done interesting things, but nothing big. No holidays, no major news, so just a quick summary (some of which should explain why i've not been galavanting around doing exciting things), some photos and a preview of my busy months ahead. All conveyed through the medium of bullet points, because they're all the rage this November.
- I moved house from my overpriced pokey private apartment to a cheaper pokey room in a guesthouse, sort of like a hostel. My room is basically the same size but I share the kitchen and shower with other people in the house and pay about £200-300 less a month.
- I've been sick a couple of times, bit of a cold here and there, but most recently I got a strange bulge on the left side of my stomach...ignored it...fainted....stopped ignoring it. Went to hospital two times, and a British doctor both of whom said 'don't know what it is', 'don't worry about it'. The bulge went of its own accord and i haven't fainted again. I'm putting it down to stress and being tired, was pretty busy at the time it happened. But it wasn't the nicest of experiences, foreign hospitals, doctors who don't speak much English, and the large amount of money it cost me wasn't too nice either. Hopefully i'll get some back from my insurance when i pull my finger out and send off the forms.
- After that little break I got back into training at my dojo - kickboxing, wrestling and ju-jitsu. Been going 4 times a week recently, so i'm super fit again. I might actually do a fight soon, but not sure of the details so if it happens and i win i'll post details of my glorious victory, if it doesn't happen or I lose I might not ever mention it again! :-)
- My mum is coming to visit for about 2 weeks soon. I have a Japanese test at the start of December and I'm going to Thailand on a 16 day holiday over Xmas and New Year. I'm thinking of spending about a week of that time in a kickboxing camp, will try and see a bit more of the country than the 4 days i spent solely in Bangkok last year and also meet my mate Will who's living over there.
- I got a massive local tax bill (equivalent of council tax) which i've now almost paid off but cost me about £1000!
Much more has been happening in my friends' and families lives and i've been a bit slack in contacting them recently. My cousin got married to his girlfriend Jo, Chris and Lynn had a baby girl, as did Rick and Jo, and Jacko got married to Thao and moved to America. I've had very limited contact with you guys recently, i'm in the midst of correcting that though so if you've not got anything from me in the post yet you should do soonish!
Right...all done, just a few random photos now...

I get my good manners from beer - Gent Half normally, Super Gent if i'm meeting a lady.

Mari Mokori - My favouite Japanese character, a green man with a bulge in his pants!

Good advice on the side of this vending machine.