A three month gap, must be the longest so far!
Firstly, I've changed to another photo hosting service but it's still playing silly buggers when I try to link to old pictures. Despite me putting a link to the photobucket website it still goes to shutterfly when I try it. Hopefully its more successful for the rest of you!
Hmmm, quite difficult to remember what's happened, guess that's the problem with leaving massive gaps between my posts. I'll try and do it fairly chronologically.
At the end of October I went to Hakone with Akane for a night, its a tourist spot not too far from Tokyo. Basically it has hot springs, eggs cooked in the sulphuric springs which turn black and supposedly add 5 years to your life when you eat them (tasted horrible), a big lake with fake commercial pirate ship included and some nice walks and scenery once you get away from the crowds of people evident everywhere in Japan.
In Novermber the only thing of note I remember is sustaining 2 injuries. I pulled or twisted a muscle in my back kickboxing and went to a physiotherapist for massage and acupuncture and around the same time I did something to a finger on my right hand. The back was much more of a problem at the time but I got it sorted in around a week, however my finger is still swollen and I can't get my ring over the knuckle 2 months on. I'm thinking I should go to a doctor soon as my personal diagnosis of a sprain might not be so accurate.
December saw a few Christmas parties, no silly behavior or drunken stories from me or anybody else I know though. I went home for 10 days or so and saw a lot of family and friends, then called in to Bangkok on the way back to Tokyo. I took surprisingly few photos in both these ventures but i'll dig them out soon and see what I can find.
I started work again three days ago, but am yet to go back to either of my gyms after a huge break, I think tomorrow or Sunday will be D-Day.I have a few days off this month so am planning on getting away somewhere else in Japan for a night or two so there may be more photos of me in a yukata coming soon...calm down ladies!!
If my system works then can see the Hakone photos by clicking on the Hakonetitle at the start of this post above the kitty character dressed in a black egg, you should be magically whisked to the correct site! If it doesn't work then console yourself with this picture of a t-shirt promoting the North of England.